Understanding Free Goods Catalogs

You can specify multiple free goods in a free goods catalog. This setup enables a customer to choose the free goods that they receive for a qualifying order. For example, a customer who orders 10 cases or more of salad dressing receives a free case of salad dressing. The customer chooses which flavor of salad dressing from the free goods catalog.

The purchase of an item, quantity, or both that qualifies for free goods activates the free goods catalog. When you enter the item or quantity on a sales or purchase order, the system prompts you to view the free goods catalog.

You set up pricing for the free goods in a catalog in the Free Goods Revisions program (P4073). You can also specify effective dates for awarding free goods.

You may award a combination of free goods from basket or order-level adjustments on a sales order. If the system awards a free goods adjustment, the system associates the free goods with the first detail line belonging to that basket or order group.

Note: If multiple free goods are available for the same detail line item on an order (for example, if you bought 10 of a buy one, get one free promotional item), the same free goods are available for all 10 items. The system does not split a free good item on a detail line.