Understanding Variable Price Adjustments

You use variable price adjustments to set up prices and effective dates for items that have prices that vary frequently. You can create adjustments that are based on the Price Variable table (F4075).

When you create a price adjustment from the F4075 table, attach an override adjustment to the table to ensure that you override any other price with the variable price adjustment.

Formulas are a tool that you can use to define complex price structures. Each formula can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. When you define a formula, you can refer to either the F4075 table or the F4211 table. You can also specify units of measure and currency codes in formulas.

A formula consists of components. The components refer to, or specify, a specific number, table, or mathematical operation. Each component must be identified by a special character. You define these characters in the pricing constants during system setup.

The system evaluates formulas as standard algebraic notation. A formula might look like this:



  • .90 represents 90 percent.

  • The asterisk (*) represents multiplication.

  • The ampersand (&) indicates that GOLD is the name of a variable table.

You would interpret this formula as The price of the item is 90 percent of the current price of gold.