Workflow Setup

The price approval process is coded to send all messages to a predefined distribution list on the Group Revisions form in Workflow Management. This distribution list can be modified to include the actual employee numbers of the people who approve price changes.

You set up distribution lists to group approvers into categories for the price approval routing process. Within Workflow Management, you use Work With Distribution Lists (P02150) to add distribution list parents, such as managers, and to add children, such as employees who work for those managers, to those parents.

When working with workflow distribution lists:

  • Make sure that all members you want to include in the distribution list have been entered into the address book. You must also set up the distribution list's address number in the Address Book before you set up the distribution list structure.

  • Understand the two structures in which distribution lists can be set up.

You might want to override the message approval process if a recipient in a lower level has not answered a message.

The Overrides option is enabled if one or more of these conditions is met:

  • The approver exists in the Address Book.

  • The approver is a member of a higher-level group than the recipient for whom the message was intended.

  • The message is unopened.