Entering Leads

Access the Add Lead form.

Function Code

Enter the code that indicates the function the lead plays in the company. Examples include:

CO: Chief Officer

CON: Consultant

DIR: Director

MGR: Manager

STAF: Staff

SUPR: Supervisor


Enter the industry code associated with the lead. If the lead is converted to a customer, this information is used to determine the industry grouping for the customer. The industry grouping is then used to automatically assign sales team members to the customer record.

Search Type

Verify that the system populates this field with P (Prospect).

Lead Owner

Enter the Address Book number of the owner of the lead.

Lead Source

Enter the code that specifies the origin of a lead. Values are stored in UDC 90CB/LS, and might include codes to represent items such as marketing events, personal contacts, or customer referrals.


Enter the current status of the lead. Values for this field are stored in UDC 90CB/ST. Examples of status codes include active, dead, or converted.

The system automatically assigns the lead an active status when the lead is entered, and changes the status to converted when the lead is converted to an account. To use any other status values, you must manually update this field.

Date Received

Review the date that the lead was entered into the system. This field is automatically populated when the lead is entered. You can manually override the information in this field if necessary.


Select the name of the qualification script that is used to qualify the lead.

Qualification Goal

Review the value in this field to determine the qualification score that the lead must meet to be considered a qualified lead. The system populates this field when you select a qualification. You cannot override the value in this field.