Import Leads

To import leads, the list of leads must be stored in a spreadsheet format. The columns on the spreadsheet must be in the same order as those on the Import Leads form. Therefore, it might be necessary to rearrange the columns on the spreadsheet or the form to ensure that data is imported into the correct fields.

You use the Import Leads program (P90CB015) to import leads. You can populate these fields when you import lead information:

  • Company (required)

  • Last Name (required)

  • First Name (required)

  • Phone Prefix

  • Phone Number

  • EMail

  • Title

  • Industry

  • Address Line 1

  • Address Line 2

  • Address Line 3

  • Address Line 4

  • City

  • State

  • Postal Code

  • County

  • Country

  • Fax Prefix

  • Fax Number

  • URL

When you import leads, the system automatically updates these fields (if they are left blank during import) based on the values that you enter in the processing options for the CRM - Manage Leads program:

  • Search Type

  • Industry

  • Status

  • Lead Owner

  • Date Received

  • Qualification

  • Qualification Goal

  • Lead Source

To enter or update any additional information about the lead, you must manually enter or change the data after the lead has been imported.