
These processing options specify how the system processes lead information.

1. Postal Code Editing

Use this processing option to activate postal code editing. Postal code editing verifies that the postal code exists in the F0117 table. If the postal code exists in the Postal Code Transactions table and the City, County, Country, and State fields are blank; the system uses the information from the Postal Code Transactions table. If the postal code does not exist in the Postal Codes Transactions table, the system returns a warning. Values are:

Blank or 0: Do not activate postal code editing.

1: Activate postal code editing.

2. Postal Code Address Retrieval

Use this processing option to activate Postal Code Address Retrieval. If the postal code is valid and address lines one through four are blank, address information can be retrieved from the F0118 table. If the processing option to activate with the Postal Code Selection Window for multiple addresses is set, all available addresses for the postal code are displayed. Values are:

Blank or 0: Do not activate Postal Code Address Retrieval.

1: Activate with the Postal Code Selection Window for multiple addresses.

2: Activate to retrieve the address information for a single address.