The Batch Alignment Process

At times, the organization might find it necessary to use a batch process to realign the sales force. For example, if members of the sales force leave the organization, you can use a batch process to update records rather than manually updating each customer sales team on which the employees worked. Similarly, if you add new territories or change existing territories, you can use a batch process to update records.

To process batch alignment, you run the Sales Team Alignment TC program (R90CA18A, version XJDE0007). This program performs all of the steps that the automated alignment process performs, with one exception. You do not need to physically change the customer record in order to update the sales team. When you run the Sales Team Alignment TC program, the system determines whether any changes have been made to territories or industry groupings since the program was run last. If a territory or industry grouping changed, the system updates all customer records associated with those territories or industry groupings. The system also looks at customer records whose Industry Grouping or Territory fields are blank to determine if the changes to the industry groupings or territories might affect those customers.