Understanding Sales Team Information

After you enter sales team members into the system, you can assign those members to customer accounts. Hopefully, as the members of the sales team progress, they generate additional customers, opportunities, and partner relationships.

You can review sales information for each sales team member, such as:

  • The customers that are associated with sales team members.

  • The partners that are associated with sales team members.

  • The opportunities that are associated with sales team members.

When you view this information, you have the option of viewing information in two formats:

  • Employee only

  • Employee and subordinates

The employee only view is the default view. To view information about the employee and their subordinates, click the Expand Hierarchy button on any of the review forms. To return to the employee-only view, click the Collapse Hierarchy button.

For example, Jane Ryan has 12 employees who report to her. When you initially view information for Jane, you see only the customers, partners, or opportunities that she is directly associated with. If you click the Expand Hierarchy button, you can view all of the customers, partners, and opportunities for Jane and the 12 employees who report to her. When you click the Collapse Hierarchy button, you return to viewing only Jane's information.