Contract Header

If you are using multicurrency, review the values in the Currency, Base, and Foreign fields and override them if necessary.

Start Date

Enter the date you actually start work on the contract.

End Date

Enter the date you actually completed work on the contract.

Contract Status

Enter a value from UDC 17/CO (Contract Status) that defines the contract status. For example, the contract status might indicate whether the customer has accepted the contract.

The default value for the Status field is set in the processing options.

Base Warranty Flag

Click the Base Warranty Flag to include the base warranty under this contract when running the Equipment Master Update from Ship Confirm program.

Only one contract per customer can have the base warranty option enabled.

Adjustment Schedule

Enter a value from UDC 40/AS (Schedule Name) that identifies a price and adjustment schedule. A price and adjustment schedule contains one or more adjustment types for which a customer or an item might be eligible. The system applies the adjustments in the sequence that you specify in the schedule.

You link customers to a price and adjustment schedule through the customer billing instructions. When you enter a sales order, the system copies the schedule attached to the sold to address into the order header. You can override this schedule at the detail line level.