Copy Defaults

These processing options specify the default values that the system uses when you copy contracts.

1. Media Objects

Specify whether the system copies media objects to a new contract. Values are:

Blank: Do not copy.

1: Copy the header media objects.

2: Copy the detail media objects.

3: Copy both the header and the detail media objects.

2. Specific Media Object

Specify how the system copies specific media objects to new contracts. Values are:

Blank: Copy both internal and external comments.

1: Copy internal comments.

2: Copy external comments.

3. Tax Information

Specify how the system generates tax information for a new contract. Values are:

Blank: Copy the tax information from the original contract to the new contract.

1: Retrieve the tax information from the site number.

4. Discount Information

Specify whether the system copies the discount information to a new contract. Values are:

Blank: Copy.

1: Do not copy.

5. Currency Code

Specify how the system generates the customer currency. Values are:

Blank: Use the customer currency from the original contract.

1: Use the customer currency from the customer master.

6. Document Type

Specify how the system generates the document type for a new contract. Values are:

Blank: Copy the document type of the original contract to the new contract.

1: Use the default document type specified in the processing options for the Contract Revisions program (P1721).

7. Key Company

Specify how the system generates the key company for a new contract. Values are:

Blank: Copy the key company from the original contract to the new contract.

1: Use the key company specified in the processing options for the Contract Revisions program (P1721).

8. Header Business Unit

Specify how the system generates the header business unit for a new contract. Values are:

Blank: Copy the header business unit from the original contract to the new contract.

1: Use the header business unit specified in the processing options for the Contract Revisions program (P1721).

9. Line Description

Specify how the system generates the line description for a new contract. Values are:

Blank: Copy the line description from the original contract to a new contract.

1: Use the line description specified in the processing options for the Contract Revisions program (P1721).