Copy Defaults

Specify the options the system uses to copy to renewed contracts.

1. Media Objects

Specify whether the system copies media objects to renewed contracts. Values are:

Blank: Do not copy media objects.

1: Copy the header media objects.

2: Copy the detail media objects.

3: Copy both the header and the detail media objects.

2. Specific Media Object

Specify which media objects the system copies to renewed contracts. Values are:

Blank: Copy both internal and external comments.

1: Copy internal comments.

2: Copy external comments.

3. Tax Information

Specify how the system generates tax information for renewed contracts. Values are:

Blank: Copy tax information from the original contract to the renewed contract.

1: Retrieve the tax rate and area from the site; retrieve the explanation code from the customer.

Based on the business unit, the system checks the alternate tax rate/area assignment company constant for the corresponding company. If the functionality is enabled, the system retrieves the alternate tax rate/area based on the business unit and site country information. Otherwise, the system retrieves the tax rate/area from the default site setup.

For further information about alternate tax rate/area assignments, please refer to "Setting Up Alternate Tax Rate/Area Assignment Functionality" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Tax Processing Implementation Guide.

4. Discount Information

Specify whether the system copies discount information to renewed contracts. Values are:

Blank: Copy.

1: Do not copy.

5. Customer Currency

Specify how the system generates the customer currency for renewed contracts. Values are:

Blank: Copy the customer currency from the original contract.

1: Use the customer currency specified in the customer master.

6. Document Type

Specify how the system generates the document type for renewed contracts. Values are:

Blank: Copy the document type from the original contract.

1: Use the document type specified in the processing options for the Contract Revisions program (P1721).

7. Key Company

Specify how the system generates the key company for renewed contracts. Values are:

Blank: Copy the key company from the original contract.

1: Use the key company specified in the processing options for the Contract Revisions program (P1721).

8. Header Business Unit

Specify how the system generates the header business unit on renewed contracts. Values are:

Blank: Copy the header business unit from the original contract.

1: Use the header business unit specified in the processing options for the Contract Revisions program (P1721).

9. Line Description

Specify how the system generates line descriptions on renewed contracts. Values are:

Blank: Copy the original contract line description.

1: Retrieve the line description from the processing options for P1721 (Contract Revisions).