Equipment PM Schedule form: Schedule Interval

You can enter a service interval based on days and schedule date. If you entered a value in the Frequency Indicator field, you cannot enter a service interval based on days.

You can enter service types for unscheduled maintenance that do not have schedule dates or intervals associated with them. Service types for unscheduled maintenance tasks must, however, include a model work order number.


Enter the hours to be expended before you schedule maintenance for each service type for which you did not enter a schedule date. To determine if maintenance is due, the Update PM Schedule Status program uses this quantity and the threshold percent from the maintenance rules table. It calculates the total hours as the service hours plus the hours run as of the last date you performed a maintenance. It then compares this amount to the actual hours from the AA ledger for the AT00 AAI to determine if maintenance is due.

Note: Hours is only an example of a statistical unit. You can define other statistical units appropriate to the organization within the AT00 AAIs.

Enter the number of miles to be expended before you schedule maintenance for each service type for which you did not enter a schedule date. To determine if maintenance is due, the Update PM Schedule Status program (R12807) uses this quantity and the threshold percent from the Maintenance Rules table (F1393). For example, it calculates the total miles as the service miles plus the miles operated as of the last date you performed maintenance. It then compares this amount to the actual miles from the AA ledger for the FMB AAIs to determine if maintenance is due.

Note: You can define other statistical units appropriate to the organization within the FMB AAIs.

Enter the amount of fuel to be consumed before you schedule maintenance for each service type for which you did not enter a schedule date. To determine if maintenance is due, the Update PM Schedule Status program (R12807) uses this quantity and the threshold percent from the Maintenance Rules table (F1393). For example, it calculates the total fuel as the service fuel plus the fuel consumed as of the last date you performed a maintenance. It then compares this quantity to the actual fuel consumed from the AA ledger for the FMA AAI to determine if maintenance is due.

Note: You can define other statistical units appropriate to the organization within the FMA AAIs.

Enter the number of days to elapse before you schedule maintenance for each service type for which you did not enter a schedule date.

You can enter a service interval based on service days and schedule date. If you enter both service days and a schedule date, the system schedules the maintenance to come due based on the schedule date.

The system calculates subsequent schedule dates for maintenance based on the last completed date, in conjunction with the service days interval.

Schedule Date

Enter the date that you want to receive a reminder message about an asset for each service type.

This is the future date on which the scheduled maintenance is due. You can enter a service interval based on the schedule date and service days. If you enter both a schedule date and service days, the system schedules the maintenance to come due, based on the schedule date that you indicate.

Subsequent schedule dates for maintenance are calculated, based on the last completed date, in conjunction with the service days interval.

Frequency Indicator

Enter the Frequency Indicator for each service type for each service type. When used in conjunction with Schedule Date, this field indicates the frequency at which the system schedules maintenance. When maintenance is completed, the system automatically schedules the next maintenance according to the value that you enter in this field. Values are:

Blank: No frequency indicator

1: Same date each month

2: Last date each month

3: Same date each quarter

4: Same date each year

5: Same day each week

6: Semi-annually (same date at six month intervals)

Multiple W.O. Code (multiple work order code)

Enter a code, for each service type, which determines whether maintenance service types can be rescheduled and can come due again before the maintenance task for the originally scheduled service type has been completed. Values are:

Blank: One Cycle (default). Maintenance is not rescheduled until the original maintenance task has been completed.

1: Multiple Cycle with Multiple Work Orders. When the service type has come due, it is automatically rescheduled to come due again regardless if the original maintenance is completed. Multiple work orders can accrue.

2: Multiple Cycle. When the service type has come due, it is automatically rescheduled to come due again regardless if the original maintenance is completed. Only one work order can accrue.

3: Maintenance Loop. The Update PM Schedule program assigns the Maintenance Loop code to PM schedules generated through maintenance loops. These PM schedules are not repeated in the PM cycle. Maintenance tasks for all equipment indicated in the maintenance loop are performed under a single work order.

4: Warranty. A code that indicates that the equipment is under warranty. The system provides a warning on the Work Order Inventory Issues form and the Purchase Request form (when accessed from the Work Order Parts List).

When a PM that includes warranty service types is completed, the system includes the warranty service in the PM history record, but does not reschedule the warranty service types.