G/L Cat (general ledger category)

Enter a value from UDC 41/9 (G/L Posting Category) that identifies the GL offset that system uses when it searches for the account to which it posts the transaction. If you do not want to specify a class code, you can enter **** (four asterisks) in this field.

You can use AAIs to predefine classes of automatic offset accounts for the Inventory Management, Procurement, and Sales Order Management systems. You might assign GL class codes as follows:

IN20: Direct Ship Orders

IN60: Transfer Orders

IN80: Stock Sales

The system can generate accounting entries based upon a single transaction. For example, a single sale of a stock item can trigger the generation of accounting entries such as:

Sales-Stock (Debit) xxxxx.xx

A/R Stock Sales (Credit) xxxxx.xx

Posting Category: IN80

Stock Inventory (Debit) xxxxx.xx

Stock COGS (Credit) xxxxx.xx

The system uses the class code and the document type to find the AAI.