Issuing Material from a Single Location

Access the Inventory Issue Revisions form.

Skip to Order Number

Enter a number identifying the original document. This can be an invoice number, work order number, sales order number, journal entry number, and so on.

Issue Material For/UOM (issue material for/unit of measure)

Enter the total quantity requested.

Issue To

Enter a number that identifies an entry in the Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or location.

Mt St (material status)

Enter a value from UDC 31/MS (Material Status) that identifies the current status of a particular component on the work order.

Quantity Ordered

Enter the quantity of units affected by the transaction.

UM (unit of measure)

Enter a value from UDC 00/UM (Unit of Measure) that identifies the unit of measurement for an amount or quantity. For example, it can represent a barrel, box, cubic meter, liter, hour, and so on.

On this form, if you leave this field blank, the system uses the value from the Parts List table and updates the quantities in the Item Location table in the primary unit of measure.


Enter the storage location from which goods will be moved.

Lot Serial Number

Enter a number that identifies a lot or a serial number. A lot is a group of items with similar characteristics.