Item Master Creation

You must enter master information for all stock and non-stock items. Master information includes the item number, item name, description, and other general information about the item. The system uses this information to identify each item in the distribution and manufacturing systems.

You might want to enter one item that you can use as a template when you enter additional items. On the item template, you can enter field values that are common to the other items that you want to add. When you add the new items, you locate the item template and then modify field values as necessary.

When you enter a new item, the system creates an item master record in the Item Master table (F4101) and stores information that is specific to Service Management in the Item Master - Service/Warranty Extension table (F4117). After you have created the item master record, you cannot delete master information for the item if any of this information exists:

  • Item branch records

  • Bills of material

  • Item cross-reference numbers

  • Supplier relationships

  • Sales prices