Pay Status

These processing options specify the default values for the payment status.

1. Pay Status Code

Enter a value from UDC 00/PS (Payment Status code) that specifies the payment status code for the system to assign to collected drafts. If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns the payment status code P (Paid in Full).

Note: This processing option works in conjunction with the Close Draft processing option. If you select to update the pay status to P but do not close the draft, the system considers the draft open and: Does not create Receipts Detail records (F03B14) for the R1 draft invoice records. Does not update the pay status of the R1 draft records to P. It updates the pay status to A. Creates an empty batch header record for batch type DB. You can either post the empty batch header record or run the Batch to Detail integrity report (R007031) to delete it.
2. Close Draft

Specify whether to remove the open amount from the R1 draft invoice record (F03B11) if one exists. Values are:

Blank: Remove the open amount from the R1 invoice draft records.

1: Do not remove the open amount.

Note: This processing option works in conjunction with the Pay Status Code processing option. If you select to update the pay status to P but do not close the draft, the system considers the draft open and: Does not create Receipts Detail records (F03B14) for the R1 draft records. Does not update the pay status of the R1 draft records to P. It updates the pay status to A. Creates an empty batch header record for batch type RB. You can either post the empty batch header record or run the Batch to Detail integrity report (R007031) to delete it.