
Flat Rate, Time and Materials, and None

Enter a code that specifies whether this type of service should be priced based on a flat rate or based on actual time and materials. Values are:

F: Flat rate. Charges for parts are already included in the flat rate.

T: Actual labor hours. Charges for parts are based on actual parts that are used.

Blank: A blank value is valid only when you are defining the method of pricing for a service provider. The system uses the blank value to indicate that the service provider is an internal service provider and should not be paid.

Credit Memo

Select to indicate the credit memo reimbursement method for approved supplier recovery records.

Account Payable

Select to indicate the accounts payable reimbursement method for approved supplier recovery records.

Pay Service Provider for Parts

Select to indicate that you are paying the service provider for parts that are used for a repair. Values are:

Y or 1: Pay.

N or 0: Do not pay.

Note: If you need to delete a service provider, click Delete on the Work With Service/Warranty Management Information form. The system deletes the SWM information only from the SWM Address Book Information table (F1797); it does not modify the Address Book Master table (F0101).