
Specify the information to print on contracts.

1. Print detail media object.

Specify which media objects the system prints for contract detail lines on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print media objects.

1: Print external media objects.

2: Print internal media objects.

3: Print both internal and external media objects.

2. Print header media object.

Specify whether the system prints media objects for the contract header on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print header media objects.

1: Print external media objects.

2: Print internal media objects.

3: Print both the internal and external media objects.

3. Print detail prices.

Specify whether the system prints prices on the detail lines of contracts. Values are:

Blank: Do not print, unless the summarization option is chosen in processing option #4.

1: Print.

4. Summarize detail.

Specify how the system summarizes detail lines. Values are:

Blank: Do not summarize.

1: Product model.

2: Product family.

3: Contract.