
Specify the default values used in processing warranty claims.

1. Enable the application functionalities related

Specify who can use the application for creating or updating a warranty claim. Values are:

Blank: Service dealers

1: Assessors

2: Supplier recovery managers

2. Product Registration Validation

Specify whether the system validates the registration status of the equipment number against the product registration activity rules. These rules indicate whether equipment at a particular status is eligible for a warranty claim. Values are:

Blank: Validate the product registration. If the equipment is not eligible for a warranty claim, the system generates a warning but does not pause processing.

1: Validate the product registration. If the equipment is not eligible for a warranty claim, the system generates an error and pauses processing until the error is corrected.

2: Do not validate the product registration.

3. Service Dealer against the Selling Dealer validation

Specify how the system processes information if the service dealer on the warranty claim is different from the selling dealer on the equipment master record. Values are:

Blank: Do not check for differences.

1: Determine whether the selling and service dealers are the same. If not, the system generates a warning but does not pause processing.

2: Determine whether the selling and service dealers are the same. If not, the system generates an error and pauses processing until the error is corrected.

4. Assign Assessor to a claim

Specify whether the system assigns the assessor to the new warranty claim based on information from the Assessor Defaults table (F17113). Values are:

Blank: Assign.

1: Do not assign.

5. Entitlement Checking

Specify whether the system performs entitlement checking and which method to use. Values are:

Blank: Do not perform entitlement checking.

1: Use the Entitlement Dates table (F1791) to check entitlements.

2: Check entitlements, but do not use the Entitlement Dates table.

6. Allow Defaulted Service Dealer to Change

Specify whether the system allows changes to the Service Dealer field. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow changes.

1: Allow changes.

7. Claim status to indicate Approval

Enter a value from UDC 00/SS (Work Order Status) that specifies the approval status.

8. Claim status to indicate Denial

Enter a value from UDC 00/SS (Work Order Status) that specifies the denial status.

9. Check for duplicate dealer reference

Specify whether the system checks for a duplicate dealer reference number in other warranty claim records. Values are:

Blank: Check for a duplicate dealer reference. If such a reference exists, the system generates a warning but does not pause processing.

1: Check for a duplicate dealer reference. If such a reference exists, the system generates an error and pauses processing until the error is corrected.

2: Do not check for a duplicate dealer reference.

10. Validate lot numbers for Product and 11. Validate lot numbers for Causal Part

Specify whether the system verifies if a lot number exists in the Lot/Serial Number field or the Supplier Lot field. Values are:

Blank: Does not verify.

1: Verifies.

Note: If you enter 1, the system only verifies that a lot number has been entered. It does not verify whether the lot number is valid.
12. Automatically add parts line while adding a claim

Specify whether the system adds a default parts line with the causal part when you create a warranty claim. Values are:

Blank: Does not add.

1: Adds.

13. Automatically add labor line while adding a claim

Specify whether the system adds a default labor line for the standard repair time when you create a warranty claim. You can use the Standard Repair Time Entry program (P1771) to maintain the standard repair time for a combination of these fields:

Item Number

Product Model

Product Family

Component Code System

Component Code Assembly

Component Code Parts

Values are:

Blank: Do not add.

1: Add.