
These processing options define the processing that the system performs for this version of Equipment Master Update. You can select whether the system generates a base warranty and whether base warranty information is required. Additionally, you can select whether to create mailing data.

1. Generate Base Warranty

Specify whether you want to generate a base warranty. Values are:

Blank: Do not generate.

1: Generate.

2. Require Base Warranty

Specify whether the system requires base warranty defaults before adding an equipment record. Values are:

Blank: Do not require.

1: Require.

3. Create Mailing Data

Specify whether the system creates mailing data when you create a new equipment record. Values are:

Blank: Do not create.

1: Create.

During sales order entry, you might ship a product to an address that is different from the address that exists in the system. When you create an equipment record and you set this processing option, the system:

Verifies the sales order number for the equipment record.

Verifies the address information in the Order Address Information table (F4006), if a sales order number exists.

Creates mailing data for this equipment record, if an address record exists.

Retrieves mailing information from the Address Book, if an address record does not exist or a sales order number does not exist.

4. Print Detail Lines

Specify how the system prints detail lines on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print detail lines.

1: Print detail lines only when an error occurs.

2: Print all detail lines.

5. Create Serialized Components

Specify whether the system creates equipment master records for a whole good that is defined on a sales order and the serialized components that comprise the whole good. Values are:

Blank: Do not create.

1: Create. The system creates a parent/child relationship between the equipment master record for the whole good and the records for the serialized components. The whole good and components must use advanced serial number processing.

6. Print Serialized Component Detail Lines

Specify how the system prints detail lines for serialized components on the Equipment Master Update report (R17024). Values are:

Blank: Do not print detail lines for serialized components.

1: Print detail lines for serialized components only when an error occurs.

2: Print all detail lines for serialized components.

7. Assessor Default

Specify whether the system assigns the default value for the assessor. Values are:

Blank: Assign.

1: Do not assign.

8. Equipment Master Update

Specify whether to override the Equipment Master attributes in the install base record from the sales order. Values are:

Blank: Override Equipment Master attributes.

1: Do not override Equipment Master attributes.