
This processing option specifies the order in which you want to display the contract header and detail forms.

1. Display Header or Detail first

Specify whether the system first displays the header revisions form or the detail revisions form when you add or inquire on a service contract. Values are:

Blank: Display the Contract Revisions form (detail) first.

1: Display the Service Contract Header form first.

If you display the detail form first, the system creates a contract header record based on the branch/plant and customer or site information that you enter in the detail form. You can then access the header form to override default information as necessary.

If you display the header form first, you can enter header information before detail information. You can edit the default values that affect the contract as well as add or review additional header information, such as billing instructions or payment terms.

2. Override Address Visual Assist

Use this processing option to override the visual assist on the address fields on the Work with Contracts form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default visual assist defined on the data dictionary item. Values are:

Blank: Use the default visual assist from the address data item.

1: Use A/B Word Search (P01BDWRD) as the visual assist for address fields.