Report Option

Specify various the options to use for contract renewals.

1. Renewal Options

Specify how the system renews a contract. Values are:

Blank: Do not renew the contract.

1: Create a new contract number.

2: Use the same contract number, and advance the contract change number.

2. Pricing Options

Specify the pricing method that the system uses for pricing renewed contracts. Values are:

1: Base the pricing for renewed contracts on existing contracts.

2: Use advanced pricing to obtain new prices for renewed contracts.

3: Use mark-up percentages to obtain new prices for renewed contracts.

3. Markup Percentage.

Specify the percentage that the system uses for mark-ups when you are determining new prices for renewal contracts. For example, enter 50.0 to specify a 50 percent mark-up.

Note: Only use this processing option if you entered 3 (percentage-based mark-up) in processing option 2.
4. Lead days for contract expiration

Specify the number of days between the current date and a target date for contract expiration. Contracts that expire within the number of days entered are eligible for renewal.

5. Date to use for Lead Days

Specify the date to use with lead days. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current date.

6. Contract renewal status for old contract

Enter a value from UDC 17/CO (Contract Status) that specifies the status for contracts after you renew them.

7. Contract renewal status for the renewal

Enter a value from UDC 17/CO (Contract Status) that specifies the status for new contracts.