Service Provider Voucher Processing

When you generate the work order workfile using SWM Work Order Workfile Generation (R1775), the system gathers the orders that are eligible for payables and creates records in the Billing Detail Workfile (F4812). After you generate the work order workfile, you must continue the standard voucher process, which includes:

  • Generating the voucher workfile using the Voucher Generation program (R48122).

  • Printing vouchers.

  • Generating the Voucher Journal using the Journal Generation program (R48131).

  • Creating AP and GL entries using the Billing Vouchers A/P - G/L Journal Generation program (R48197).

  • Posting the AP and GL entries using the General Ledger Post Report program (R09801).

Run the Voucher Generation program to group workfile transactions and assign voucher numbers. The system stores pay item information in the Voucher Summary table (F4823). In addition, the system updates the workfile transaction records with the new voucher information and the sequence and summarization key information.

To complete the voucher process, you must create accounts payable and general ledger entries. You first create preliminary accounts payable and general ledger entries using the Journal Generation program (R48131). After the system creates preliminary accounts payable and general ledger entries, you can determine whether the entries were generated with errors by reviewing the associated reports, the Journal Edit Register and the Journal Audit Report. After you ensure that the batch contains no errors, you can create the final accounts payable entries by running the Create A/P Entries program (R48197). You then post vouchers to the general ledger, by running the standard General Ledger Post Report program.