Understanding Maintenance for Installed Equipment

You can use the Preventive Maintenance features in the Plant and Equipment Management module to create preventive maintenance (PM) schedules and to schedule maintenance for the installed product. For example, you can use PM schedules to schedule warranty service and routine maintenance tasks for each piece of equipment in the Equipment Master. You can access the features that are necessary to create and track PM schedules directly from the Equipment Master Revisions form or from the Work With Equipment Master form.

PM schedules enable you to define the type and frequency of each maintenance task for each product in the Equipment Master. The preventive maintenance cycle refers to the sequence of events that make up a maintenance task from its definition to its completion. Since most preventive maintenance tasks are commonly performed at service intervals -- such as dates, miles, or cycles -- the parts of the preventive maintenance cycle repeat, based on these intervals. In addition, PM schedules provide information about the last time when each maintenance task was performed.

For any maintenance task that you assign to a piece of equipment, you can attach a model work order to the PM schedule. The model work order provides standard instructions (routing instructions) and the parts list that is necessary to complete the maintenance task.