
These processing options specify the types of information that the system displays.

1. Display Header or Detail

Specify whether the system displays the View Order Header form or the View Order Detail form when you inquire on orders. Values are:

Blank: Displays the search results on the View Order Detail form. The system searches the F4211 table; only detail search criteria are available on the Advanced Search form.

1:Displays the search results on the View Order Header form. The system searches the F4201 table; only header search criteria are available on the Advanced Search form.

2. Customer Item X-Reference

Specify the code that the system uses to search and display cross-reference information using a customer's item number. Cross-references associate internal item numbers with customer item numbers. You set up items in the F4104 table and create the cross-reference information in the Item Cross Reference program (P4104). If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not display cross-reference information. Enter a value from UDC 41/DT.

3. Type Code

Specify the type code of the who's who attention name that appears in the mailing address; enter a value from UDC 01/WO. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not include the attention name line in the mailing address.