Totals by Reprice Group

The Totals by Reprice Group group box displays the value of the order reprice group and simple basket group information. Order up-sell supports simple baskets and order level adjustments.

Reprice groups identify reprice categories for items with common repricing characteristics. You can assign items to order reprice groups and basket reprice groups in the Item Branch/Plant Revisions program.

The Totals by Reprice Group group box displays the following information for the group selected in the Discounts by Reprice Group subform:

  • Reprice group code as defined in UDC 40/PI (Item Reprice Groups).

  • Item reprice group description.

  • Accumulated sales amount.

  • Currency code associated with the total sales amount (in customer currency).

  • Accumulated weight.

  • Accumulation weight unit of measure.

  • Accumulated total quantity of goods sold.

  • Accumulation unit of measure for the quantity of goods sold.

If no order reprice adjustments exist in the Totals by Reprice Group group box, then the system collapses the Discounts by Reprice Group and Items in Reprice Group subforms.