Building All Business Functions

You can use Build All to build all business functions. Build All performs the same operations as global link, and it recompiles all of the objects within each DLL. A system administrator usually runs Build All. Build All processes can take a long time. To run Build All, you must access BusBuild.

To build all business functions:

  1. In Windows, run BusBuild.exe.

    Typically, this file is located in ..\B9\system\Bin32\.

  2. In BusBuild, start the mass build by selecting Build, Build All.

  3. Select one of these options for Build Mode:

    • Debug

      A build that includes debug information. After you perform a build, you can debug the built business function using the Visual C debugger.

    • Optimize

      A build that does not include debug information. Optimized builds generally cannot be debugged using the Visual C debugger.

    • Performance Build

      A build that is the same as an optimized build except that it includes information that helps developers measure the performance of business functions. Only JD Edwards developers should select this option.

  4. Complete the Source Directory field.

    Use this field to specify where the business function source resides. Business function source includes all .c, .h, named event rules, and table event rules. Full packages usually have all business function sources. These are the options for location:

    • Local

      All business function source is on the local machine.

    • Path Code

      All business function source is in the path specified by the selected path code.

    • Package

      The All business function source is in the path specified by the selected package. If a package is built correctly, it typically contains all required business function sources. Generally, you should use Package for the location.

    • Pick Directory

      All business function source is stored in another directory on the file server. You specify the directory.

  5. Complete the Foundation Directory field.

    Use this field to specify the foundation to use for this build. The foundation that you select is the foundation on which you expect these business functions to run. These are the options for this field:

    • Local

      The recommended foundation is the local JD Edwards EnterpriseOne foundation.

    • Foundation

      The foundation table lists all registered JD Edwards EnterpriseOne foundations. Select a foundation from this table.

    • Pick Directory

      The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne foundation exists in a directory on the file server. You specify the directory. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne recommends this location.

  6. Complete the Output Destination Directory field.

    Use this field to specify the location for the output of the build. The build output includes the file types: DLL, .LIB, .OBJ, and LOG. The location options are the same as those for Source Directory. Generally, you should select Package because it is a more stable snapshot of business function source.

  7. Select any of these options:

    • Treat Warnings As Errors

      If you select this option, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Function Builder does not build a business function if it encounters any warnings.

    • Clear Output Destination Before Build

      If you select this option, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Function Builder deletes the contents of the bin32, lib32 and obj output directories before it builds all business functions.

    • Select Which DLLs to Build

      If you clear this option, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Function Builder builds all DLLs. If you select this option, you can click the Select button and select which business function DLLs you want to build. Select this option if you want to build one or two DLLs. If you build only a subset of all DLLs, verify that the Clear Output Destination Before Build option is cleared.

    • Stop Level

      You can select the error level at which the build stops. You can ignore errors if you want to continue building despite them. You can specify that the build process stop if a DLL contains errors. You can stop on the first compile error.

    • Generate Missing Source Report

      If you select this option, v Business Function Builder generates a report in the work directory of the destination. This report is called NoSource.txt. It contains business function source file names that do not have a .c file but do have a record in the F9860 table. To resolve the information in this report, you can produce the correct .c file for the business function, or you can delete the source file from the F9860 table. It is recommended that you select this option.

    • Generate ER Source

      If you select this option, v Business Function Builder generates NER and table event rule source before building business functions.

    • Verify Check-in

      If you select this option, the system builds only objects checked in to a specified path code. A log file, Notchkdn.txt, is written to the same directory as Nosource.txt. Objects that are not checked in to the path code will be listed in this log and in Buildlog.txt.

Select the From RDB option to generate work from any path code. If this option is cleared, the business function builder assumes that the event rules source can be generated from the source directory specification files.

If you are troubleshooting a build initiated by Package Build, then the previous settings should already be set to the correct values. In this case, click Build to rebuild the problem DLLs.

Note: You can also run this build by selecting the Build BSFN option on in a package build.