Business Function Event Rules

A NER is a business function object for which the source language is event rules instead of C. You create a NER using the event rules scripting language. This scripting language is platform-independent and is stored in a database as a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software object. NERs are modular. That is, they can be reused in multiple places by multiple programs. This modularity reduces rework and enables you to reuse code.

Not all chunks of code should be packaged in a business function module. For example, when code is so specific that it applies only to a particular program, and it is not reused by any other programs, you should leave it in one place instead of packaging it in a business function. You can attach all the logic on a hidden control (Button Clicked event) and use a system function to process the logic as needed.

An example of a NER is N3201030. This business function creates generic text and Work Order detail records (for the F4802 table) for a configured work order. Based on the structure of the sales order in the F3296 table, the configured segments for the item on the passed work order and all lower level segments are included in the generic text.

This example illustrates the function as it appears in Event Rules Design:

Named Event Rule Begin
// Convert the related sales order number into a math numeric. If that fails
// exit the function
String, Convert String to Numeric
If VA evt_cErrorCode is equal to "1"
// Validate that the work order item is a configured item.
F4102 Get Item Manufacturing Information
If VA evt_cStockingType is not equal to "C"
 And BF cSsuppressErrorMessages is not equal to "1"
BF szErrorMessageID = "3743"
BF szErrorMessageID = " "
// Delete all existing "A" records from F4802 for this work order.
VA evt_cWODetailRecordType = "A"
// Get the segment delimiter from configurator constants.
F3293 Get Configurator Constant Row
If VA evt_cSegmentDelimiter is less than or equal to <Blank>
VA evt_cSegmentDelimiter - /
End If
If SV File_IO_Status     is equal to CO SUCCESS
// Retrieve the F3296 record of the work order item. and determine its key
// sequence by parsing ATSQ looking for the last occurrence of "1". The substring
// of ATSQ to this point becomes the key for finding the lower level configured
// strings
If VA evt_mnCurrentSOLine is equal to BF mnRelatedSalesOrderLineNumber
// Get the corresponding record from F32943. Process the results of that fetch
// through B3200600 to add the parent work order configuration to the work order
// generic text.
If SV File_IO_Status   is equal to CO SUCCESS
VA evt_szConfiguredString = concat([VA evt_ConfiguredStringSegment01],
[VA evt_ConfiguredStringSegment02])
Confg String Format Segments Cache
End If
// Find the last level in ATSQ that is not "00". Note that the first three
// characters represent the SO Line Number to the left of the decimal.
// SO Line 13.001 will have the ATSQ characters "013". Each configured item can⇒
// 99 lower-level P-Rule items and a total of ten levels. Therefore every pair
// thereafter is tested.
VA evt_mnSequencePosition - 1
While VA evt_mnSequencePosition is less than "23"
And VA evt_szCharacterPair is not equal to "00"
VA evt_mnSequencePosition - [VA evt_mnSequencePosition] + 2
VA evt_szCharacterPair = substr([VA evt_szTempATSQ],[VA evt_mnSequencePostion],2)
End While
VA evt_szParentATSQ = substr([VA evt_szTempATSQ],0,[VA evt_mnSequencePosition])
// For each record in F3296 for the related sales order, find those with the same
// key substring of ATSQ. Retrieve the associated record from F32943 if
// available and pass the configured string to N3200600 for addition to the work
// order generic text.
Wile SV File_IO_Status  is equal to CO SUCCESS
VA evt_szChildATSQ = substr([VA evt_szTempATSQ],0,[VA evt_mnSequencePosition]}
If VA evt_szChildATSQ is equal to VA evt_szParentATSQ
If SV File_IO_Status   is equal to CO SUCCESS
VA evt_szCongifuredString = concat([VA evt_ConfiguredStringSegment01],
[VA evt_ConfiguredStringSegment02])
Confg String Format Segments Cache
End If
End If
End Whil
// Unload segments cache into the work order generic text. B3200600 Mode 6
Confg String Format Segments Cache
End If
End If
End If
// The related sales order number is invalid. Return an error.
If BF cSuppressErrorMessages is not equal to "1"
Set NER Error ("0002", BF SzRelatedSalesOrderNumber)
End If
End Ir
Named Event Rule End