Compile Section

Before it build DLLs, Business Function Builder compiles the business functions in the DLLs first. The system displays a sequential list of each business function that the Business Function Builder attempts to compile. During the compilation process, these events might occur:

  • Compiler Warning

    When a compiler warning occurs, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Function Builder displays warning CXXXX (where XXXX is a number) and a brief description of the warning. To review information about the warning, search for the CXXXX value in Visual C++ online help. Warnings usually do not prevent the business function from compiling successfully. However, you can select the Warnings As Errors option in the Global Build form so that the business function will not build if any warnings occur.

  • Compiler Error

    When a compiler error occurs, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Function Builder displays error CXXXX (where XXXX is a number) and a brief description of the error. To review extended information about the error, search for the CXXXX value in Visual C++ online help. Because errors prevent the business function from compiling successfully, you must resolve them.