How Distributed Business Functions Work

OMW manages these three main components that make up NERs or business functions:

  • Object Name

    The Object Name is the actual source file.

  • Function Name

    The name of the business function or event rule.

    Note: Any business function, whether it uses C or NERs as its source language, must have a defined data structure to send or receive parameters to or from applications. You can create a DSTR data structure object, or select an existing object type to work with in OMW. You can also create data structures for text substitution messages. Additionally, you can attach notes, such as an explanation of use, to any data structure or data item within the structure.
  • DLL Name

    The DLL is a dynamic link library.

When a business function is called, the Object Configuration Manager (OCM) determines where to run the business function. After the system maps a business function to a server, calls from that business function cannot be mapped back to the workstation.

This flowchart illustrates how distributed business functions work:

Distributed business function