Safety Check Output

A "clean" Safety Check run will produce output of this format:

---------------- SafetyCheck Started ---------------

Scanning d:\safetychecktestrun\source\b03b0011.c...

---------------------- Done ----------------------

1 Files Processed 0 Errors 0 Warnings

"Files processed" indicates how many files were scanned. "Errors" reports the number of file-based errors encountered. "Warnings" reports the number of problems found while scanning the specified files.

A "dirty" Safety Check run will produce output of this format:

---------------- SafetyCheck Started ---------------

Scanning d:\safetychecktestrun\source\b03b0011.c...

d:\safetychecktestrun\source\b03b0011.c(186): Global variable found

int iGlobal = 0;

---------------------- Done ----------------------

1 Files Processed 0 Errors 1 Warnings

In this case, the output indicates:

  • A problem was found in d:\safetychecktestrun\source\b03b0011.c

  • The problem occurred on line 186.

  • The problem found was the presence of a global variable.

  • The section of code that caused the problem is "int iGlobal = 0;"

Note that the global variable was specified as a "Warning" and not an "Error".