Source File Sections

OMW builds a template for the business function source file. The business function source file consists of several major sections, as described in this table:


What It Includes


Source File Comment Block

  • Source file name

  • Description

  • History

  • Programmer

  • Date

  • SAR Number

  • Description

  • Copyright information

Built from the information in the Business Function Design Tool.

The programmer manually updates the programmer name and SAR number.

Notes Comment Block

Any additional relevant notes concerning the business function source.

Document complex algorithms used, how the business functions in the source relate to each other, and so on.

Business Function Comment Block

  • Business function name

  • Description

  • Description list of the parameters


Business Function Source Code

Source code for the business function.


Internal Function Comment Block

  • Function name

  • Notes

  • Returns

  • Parameters

Copy these blocks and place the values in the specified sections to describe the internal function. Follow the comment block with internal function source code.

Internal Function Source Code

Source code for the internal function described in the comment block.

The business function developer enters this code as needed. A populated internal function comment block must precede this code.