Working with Business Function Builder

Use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Function Builder to build business function code into a DLL. You can build C business functions, Named Event Rules (NERs), and table event rules. The process that occurs when you run JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Function Builder to build business functions includes compiling and linking. Compiling involves creating a business function object. Linking makes the object part of a DLL.

Note: Link All does not compile any business functions; it only links each DLL.

You usually use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Function Builder to build a single business function. Whenever you create source code changes to a business function, you must build the business function to test it.

Build Output displays the results of the build. When the build is finished, the message ***Build Finished*** appears at the bottom of Build Output. The text after this line indicates whether the build was successful. If the build was successful, you can test the business function. Otherwise, you must correct any problems and rerun the build process.

The system creates a work directory when any object is built. This directory is in the destination directory that you specified, such as C:\b7\appl_pgf\work\buildlog.txt. This directory contains error and information logs. The build log contains the same information as the Build Output form in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Function Builder.