Example: Formatting Compound Statements

This example shows how to format compound statements for ease of use and to prevent mistakes:

 * Do the Issues Edit Line if the process edits is either
 * blank or set to SKIP_COMPLETIONS. The process edits is
 * set to SKIP_COMPLETIONS if Hours and Quantities is in
 * interactive mode and Completions is Blind in P31123.
if ((dsWorkCache.PO_cIssuesBlindExecution == _J('1')) &&
   ((dsCache.cPayPointCode == _J('M'))      ||
    (dsCache.cPayPointCode == _J('B')))       &&
   (lpDS->cProcessEdits != ONLY_COMPLETIONS))
   /* Process the Pay Point line for Material Issues */
   idReturnCode = I3101060_BlindIssuesEditLine(&dsInternal,