Example: Using Braces for Ease in Subsequent Modifications

The use of braces prevents mistakes when the code is later modified. Consider this example. The original code contains a test to see if the number of lines is less than a predefined limit. As intended, the return value is assigned a certain value if the number of lines is greater than the maximum. Later, someone decides that an error message should be issued in addition to assigning a certain return value. The intent is for both statements to be executed only if the number of lines is greater than the maximum. Instead, idReturn will be set to ER_ERROR regardless of the value of nLines. If braces were used originally, this mistake would have been avoided.


if (nLines > MAX_LINES)
   idReturn = ER_ERROR;


if (nLines > MAX_LINES)
   jdeErrorSet (lpBhvrCom, lpVoid,
               (ID) 0, _J(4353), (LPVOID) NULL);
   idReturn = ER_ERROR;


if (nLines > MAX_LINES)
   idReturn = ER_ERROR;


if (nLines > MAX_LINES)
   jdeErrorSet (lpBhvrCom, lpVoid,
               (ID) 0, _J(4363), (LPVOID) NULL);
   idReturn = ER_ERROR;