Bulk Tree Load

Use this system function to load the entire contents of the tree control from cache.


Tree Control

Input, required. The tree control form control (FC) to affect.

Cache Name

Input, required. The name of the cache from which to acquire data for the contents of the tree. Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list.

Data Structure

Input, required. The name of the data structure used to organize the cache. Double-click <Get Structure Name> to select the structure to use.

Node Value Column

Input, required. The data to use for identification. This value is not a true ID in the traditional sense; in this system function, it is used primarily for matching with values in the Parent Value Column to determine parent/child relationships. If you want to use node value as a true identifier, ensure that each row will have a unique value in this column (many tree control system functions use node value as an ID). Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list.

Node Description Column

Input, required. The label to display for each node. Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list.

Parent Value Column

Input, required. The data to use to determine parent/child relationships. This value indicates which row is the parent of the current row. When runtime constructs the tree, it will place the current row as a child of the row with the corresponding value in Node Value Column. Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list.

Root Node Value

Input, required. The value that indicates the root node. Ultimately, the uppermost node of the tree, the root node, has no parent. Runtime compares this value with the values in the Node Column Value parameter. The row with the matching value becomes the root node.