Calendar Controls

With the calendar control, you provide users with a graphical display of a calendar which can show activities (for example, meetings and appointments) and other time sensitive information. It contains three views: day view, week view and month view. It is also fully customizable: you can hide any view, customize work hours and work weeks, and so forth.

The calendar control does not support a business view (BV); hence, it does not fetch or save calendar data. It relies on application logic (BVs and table I/Os) to manage data. However, it does provide a set of event rules (ER) to load, view the details of, and add, delete, or modify calendar activities. An activity is a calendaring and scheduling entity that represents a designated amount of time on a calendar. Every calendar event, reminder, and so forth that users or the system schedules is an activity.

Note: In Form Design Aid (FDA), events are points during runtime where you can execute code commands. However, events are also dates that you schedule on a calendar. To avoid confusion, use the term, activity, to mean the second kind of event.

The calendar control supports Universal Time (UT) and adjusts for user profile time zone settings. All activities appear based on the user's time zone daylight savings properties in user profile setting. The control itself does not include a function for reminders; therefore, reminder functions must be included as a part of the underlying application itself. The same is true for to-dos and attachments. If the application must display a to-do list, then it is recommended that you use a grid control to do so. The calendar control does not support the ability to attach items to an event directly on the control itself. However, a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application can associate an attachment with each calendar activity and then display the attachment in the activity details form.

The calendar control does not support mobile devices currently.

The minimum dimensions of the control in FDA are 233 dialogue units high and 428 dialogue units wide. This is to ensure that the control will display correctly on 800 x 600 screen resolution settings. At a 1280 x 960 resolution, you might want a larger calendar control.

The only calendar control-specific design-time property you can set is which views are visible to the user. The calendar control has a variety of specialized system functions and ER.