Configuring Forms at Design Time

The property settings for a form control its appearance, how it displays errors, and how it interacts with its underlying business views. When you first create a form, the system prompts you to configure its properties. You can change the properties of a form later in the design process.

Some property values are common to all form types, although many are shared by just a few. This table lists the property values for all form types. The descriptions given in some cases are for general use only. If a particular property significantly impacts a given form type, then those impacts are discussed in detail in the section devoted to that form type.


Form Type


Business View Name



Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Search & Select

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

Edit Subform

Browse Subform

Edit Portlet

Browse Portlet

The BV that is attached to the form.

Data Structure

All form types

The data structure underlying the form that maps incoming and outgoing data.

Enable In-Your-Face-Error Display



Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Search & Select

Message Form

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

An option which, when selected, displays error text in red at the top of forms displayed in Web applications. Typically, the system indicates an application error by highlighting the Errors and Warnings link in the upper right area of the application. Selecting In-Your-Face-Errors has no noticeable effect on performance.

End Form on Add


Header Detail

Headerless Detail

An option which, when selected, causes the system to close the form and return to the previous form after a user adds a record and clicks the OK button. If you want greater control over form flow, clear this option.

Entry Point


Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Search & Select

Message Form

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

With Release 9.2.1, External Form

An option which, when selected, flags the form as being the one that you want users to see when they first launch the application. If you do not assign one of the forms as the entry point, the runtime engine loads the first form it finds in the application. FDA does not permit you to set more than one form as an entry point. Fix/Inspect forms cannot be used as entry points.

Fetch on Form Business View



Header Detail

Search & Select

Parent/Child Browse

Edit Subform

Browse Subform

Edit Portlet

Browse Portlet

An option which, when selected, causes the system to perform fetches based on information in the business view underlying the form. This option is unavailable if the form has no business view. Even though this setting is available for all form types, it only applies to Fix/Inspect, header/detail, headerless/detail, Power Edit forms with no grids, and subforms.

Fetch on Grid Business View


Headerless Detail

Header Detail

Search & Select


Power Edit

Power Browse

An option which, when selected, causes the system to update the grid during runtime based on information in the tables underlying the grid when the user clicks the OK button. This option is unavailable for entry unless the form contains a grid control.

Form Guide



Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Search & Select

Message Form

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

The height and width in pixels to set the form guides. FDA indicates the optimum form size for different platforms by superimposing light blue lines that indicate height and width along the top and left-hand side of the form.

Form Name

All form types

The system name for the form. FDA names the form based on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne naming standards (forms start with W, subforms with S), the application name, and the creation sequence (the first form is appended with an A, the second with a B, and so forth). You cannot change this property.

Form Type



Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Search & Select

Message Form

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

The type (find/browse, search & select, and so forth) of the current form. You cannot change this property.



All form types

The height and width of the form in dialog units. You can change the form size by resizing it manually with the mouse or by using these properties to set the size precisely.

Hover Form

Power Browse

This property, when selected, identifies the Power Browse form as a Hover Form. When selected, other options in Settings are no longer available. (Release 9.2.1)

Mapping Links

Power Edit

Power Browse

Edit Subform

Browse Subform

Edit Portlet

Browse Portlet

The mapping of data between a parent and its child subforms.

Tile Wallpaper



Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Search & Select

Message Form

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

This option, when selected, displays multiple copies of the background image in a tile-like manner. If you select this option, then you cannot select the Wallpaper property. Additionally, you cannot select this property unless you have set either the Wallpaper File or the Wallpaper Full Name File property.


All form types

The text name of the form. This name appears at the top of the form when users work with the application. By default, FDA enters the form type in this field. You should change it.

Total Controls on a Form



Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Search & Select

Message Form

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

A field that shows the current number of controls (including subforms) on the selected form. You cannot change this property



Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Power Edit

Power Browse

Edit Subform

Edit Portlet

An option which, when selected, causes runtime to commit all changes at one time instead of individually. If the form makes a single database change or a group of unrelated changes, do not enable Transaction. However, if the form has a group of inserts that rely on each other and if the system should revert to the previously committed changes if a change fails or for another condition, then select Transaction.

Transaction works differently for subforms and portlet forms.

Update on Form Business View


Header Detail

Power Edit With No Grid

Edit Subform

Edit Portlet

An option which, when selected, causes the system to update the tables underlying the form (except those underlying the grid control) during runtime when the user clicks the OK button. This option is unavailable for entry unless you have attached a BV to the form.

Update on Grid Business View

Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Power Edit with Grid

An option which, when selected, causes the system to update the tables underlying the grid during runtime when the user clicks the OK button. This option is unavailable for entry unless the form contains a grid control.




Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Search & Select

Message Form

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

An option which, when selected, displays a single image on the form as its wallpaper. If you enable this option, then you cannot enable the Tile Wallpaper property. Additionally, you cannot select this property unless you have set either the Wallpaper File or the Wallpaper Full File Name property.

Wallpaper File



Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Search & Select

Message Form

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

The name of the image to use in conjunction with the Tile Wallpaper and Wallpaper properties. Use this property if the image is in the path code for the application.

Wallpaper Full File Name



Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Search & Select

Message Form

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

The name of the image to use in conjunction with the Tile Wallpaper and Wallpaper properties. Use this property if the image is not in the path code for the application.