Creating an External Form

To create an external form:

  1. Access the Object Management Workbench - Web form.

  2. Select the project to which you want to add the application object that will contain the external form and click Add.

    If you want to use an existing application, select the project and go to Step 7.

    Note: To use an existing application, you must first check out the application object. For information about how to check out objects, see "Checking Objects In and Out" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Object Management Workbench for the Web Guide.
  3. In the Create EnterpriseOne Object form, select Application from the General Object drop-down list and click OK.

  4. In the Add Object form, complete these fields:

    • Object Name

      Enter a name that identifies the application object.

    • Description

      Enter a description for the application object. This is the description of a record in the Software Versions Repository file. The member description is consistent with the base member description.

    • Product Code

      Enter a user-defined code that identifies a system. Use the Visual Assist icon to search for the product code.

    • Product System Code

      Enter a user-defined code that specifies the system number for reporting and jargon purposes. Use the Visual Assist icon to search for the product system code.

    • Object Use

      Enter a user-defined code that designates the use of the object. For example, the object may be used to create a program, a master file, or a transaction journal. Use the Visual Assist icon to search for the Object Use value.

  5. Click OK.

    The application object is displayed in the Project Objects tab in the Object Management Workbench - Web form. The system displays a red check mark superimposed over the button located in the Object Actions column, indicating that the object is checked out.

  6. In the Project Objects tab of the Object grid, click the application object name link. Alternatively, select the object and click Design from the More Row Actions drop-down list.

    Note: If the object is an application that only contains forms of type External Form, the Object Name value is displayed as a link and a check mark is displayed in the External Form Only column. You can only edit applications that only contain forms of type External Form in OMW Web.

    The Work with External Forms form is displayed.

  7. (Optional) Add a processing option data structure by selecting Properties from the Form menu. See Adding Processing Option Data Structure.

  8. In the Work with External Forms form, click Add to add an external form.

    The External Form Revisions form is displayed.

  9. In the Properties tab, complete these fields:

    • Form Title

      Enter a title for the form.

    • Entry Point

      Select this check box to indicate that this is the first form that will be displayed when users launch the application.

    • External Application Type

      Select the external application type from the drop-down list. External application types include ADF, composed page, JavaScript, and Soft Coding Reference.

    • External Application

      Enter a value that points to the actual external form such as an ADF task flow, a UDO (composed page or EnterpriseOne page) name, or the key in Soft Coding records.

  10. In the Data Structure tab, define the data structure of the form that will be used to pass values into the external application.

    1. Under Dictionary Items, click Find to search for the data items. Select the data items and then click the left-pointing arrow to move the data items to the Structure Members grid.

    2. (Optional) In the Structure Members grid, modify the data item names by clicking in the Structure Member Name field and entering a new name.

  11. In the Static Text tab, define the static text fields.

    • Enter static text in the Static Text field.

    • Select a static text and click the Delete button to delete static text that you do not want to use.

  12. Click OK to save the external form.

    You can test the external form by selecting Run as Developer from the Row menu in the Work with External Forms form. See Testing the External Form.

    After the external form is created, you can check in the application object by clicking the button in the Object Actions column. Alternatively, select the object and then select Check-In from the More Row Actions drop-down list.

    For information about object management tasks, see "Working with Objects" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Object Management Workbench for the Web Guide.