Grid Control Display

You control grid appearance through a combination of property values that you set at design time and system function values you program to occur during runtime. Consider carefully the design-time settings you make because you may not be able to change them during runtime.

Desired Result

To Implement


Enable users to click a column value.

Select the column and set Clickable to Yes.

Runtime fires the Grid Column Clicked event when the user selects the column value.

Change the appearance of the grid based on HTML code.

Select the grid control, set Use Alternate Grid Format to Yes.


Display icons in grid cells.

Select a column and set Display Style to Icon.

Runtime fires the Grid Cell Display Changed event whenever a column value is set for an icon column. You must provide a call to a NER that makes at least one call to the Set Grid Cell Icon system function, or the cell will not display an icon.

Add tooltips to icons.

Select a column, set Display Style to Icon,

and choose any number of:

  • Show Icon Tooltip

  • Show Value Tooltip

  • Show DD Name Tooltip

  • Show DD Alias Tooltip

Each selected component of the tooltip, if any, is displayed on a separate line in the order listed.

Disable the QBE row.

Select a column and set Disable QBE to Yes.

You can only disable the QBE on a column-by-column basis. Alternatively, you can hide the entire row with the grid property, Hide Query By Example.

Display multiple currency types in a single column.

Select a column and set Support Multiple Currencies to Yes.

Hide a column if currency is disabled.

Select a column and set No display if currency is OFF to Yes.

Hide the row selector cell at the beginning of each row (check box or radio button) which shows the rows that have been selected.

Select the grid control and set Hide HTML Row Selector to Yes.

Hide the Query-By-Example (QBE) row.

Select the grid control and set Hide Query By Example to Yes.

If you hide the QBE row, not only do you prevent user interaction, but you also prevent program interaction. You cannot use system functions to work with a hidden QBE row.

Alternatively, you can disable QBE cells on a column-by-column basis with the column property, Disable QBE.

Hide the row headers.

Select the grid control and set Hide Row Numbers to Yes.

Open the form in update mode.

Select the grid control and set Update Mode to Yes.

Override the grid column header.

Select the column and enter the text in Column Header One and Column Header Two that you want to appear.

Column Header One is the first line and Column Header Two is the second.

Prevent users from customizing the grid.

Select the grid control and set Display Customize Grid to No.

When disabled, the system will display neither the "Customize Grid" link on the grid header nor the "Grid Formats" menu item.

Reorder the columns in the grid.

Select the grid control, select Column Order, and launch the Grid Properties form.

Select the column to move and then click the Up or Down buttons to change its location relative to the other columns.

Set the number of rows to display at a time.

Select the grid control and set Grid Row Count to the number of rows you want to display at a time.

The JDE.ini property, GlobalPageSize also controls the number of rows to display at a time. Runtime uses whichever value is greater.

Wrap text in the column

Select the column and set Wrap Text to Yes.

When disabled, the system truncates text that exceeds the column width.

In addition to these property settings, use these system functions to affect grid appearance:

  • Set Grid Color

  • Set Grid Font

  • Set Grid Row Format