Hover System Functions

Show Popup (Web Only) System Function

This system function is provided to show the hover form when user hovers on a form control, a grid row selector or grid cell. This system function is listed in the General section of the Event Rules system function listing.


<Popup Form>

There are two options to choose a pop up form:

  1. Select Pop Up Form: Use this option to select a specific pop-up form. Once you click on this option, the system will let you choose the Application Name, Form Name, Version, and the parameters to pass into the selected hover pop up form.

  2. Default Popup: Use this option to select the default pop-up option for grid headers. When using the Show Popup (Web Only) system function on the Mouse is Hovered event on the Grid control itself and you choose the Default Popup option, the system will display the grid row data in a tabular format on the hover pop up form. When user hovers on a grid row header, the system will display that particular row data in a tabular format within the hover form. This way, you can quickly glance at a row's values without scrolling the row if it has many columns.

Get Hovered Row Number

This system function returns the current hovered row number when you hover on a hover form associated grid cell.


  • Grid :

    Input, required. The grid control on which the hover form is associated on a particular cell.

  • Row

    Output, required. Currently hovered row number - return value from the system function.


This system function is provided to create the HTML content for the Collaborate tab with the List of contact names and defined email addresses for the address book numbers.



    Input, required. FC text block control to effect.


    Input, required. Segment of the text block control to effect.

  • Address Number

    Input, required. The address number for which the contacts have to be fetched from Who's Who table.

  • Collaborate Content

    Output field. This string field contains the HTML content for the Collaborate tab with the List of contact names and defined email addresses for the address book numbers.

  • Show Parameterized URL

    Input, required. Flag to indicate whether to show or hide the parameterized URL in the email or calendar request.

Note: With Release 9.2.1, for existing hover forms that call the Get Collaborate system function, you can create a "Collaborate" tab and drop a subform that contains a grid on the tab. In the Grid Properties, under the HTML Options tab, enter "5" for the Grid Row Count. The form should be over a business view that is a simple join between F0111 and F01151 by column AN8, distinct IDLN, with a filter F01151.ETP equals "E".With Release 9.2.1, use the Hover Form property on the Power Browse form, to create new hover forms. See "Power Browse Form Design-Time Considerations".