Icon Display States

An icon can have several states. It can be clickable or non-clickable, and it can be enabled or disabled. It can also display a slightly different image when the mouse hovers over it. The appearance of the icon should be different in each case. This enables the user to understand quickly the current interactivity state of a grid cell.

Icons are therefore represented physically by a group of related graphic images, each of which corresponds to one of the different icon states. The naming convention enables these graphic images to be an interrelated set grouped under a single icon. The base or normal image represents the icon under normal, non-clickable conditions. Standard suffixes identify the other, related images for that same icon.

This table shows the icon naming convention:


Filename Suffix


Normal (non-clickable)






Clickable – mouseover



Clickable – disabled



The graphic image types can be in gif, bmp, jpg and png formats. For each new icon you want to use, you must create four images (one for each state), and then store those images in <E1_install_dir>\system\JAS\EA_JAS_80.ear\webclient.war\img directory.