Load from Cache

Use this system function to load the combo box control from a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne cache. The control must be based on a DD item which does not have an associated UDC defined for it.


Grid Control

Input, required. The grid FC to affect.

Grid Column

Input, required. The grid column to affect. Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list.

Grid Row

Input, required. The grid row to affect (integer). Set the parameter to an alphanumeric constant (<Literal>), <Currently Selected Row>, or an applicable object from the object list.

Cache Name

Input, required. The name of the prepopulated JD Edwards EnterpriseOne cache from which to load combo box items (string). Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list.

Data Structure

Input, required. The name of the predefined JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data structure to use to load the combo box items from cache (string). This must be the same data structure as the one used to initialize and load the cache. Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list.

Key Column

Input, required. The cache column containing the key values for the items to be loaded into the combo box (type defined by data structure). Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list (the list is empty until you select a data structure).

Item Description Column

Input, required. The cache column containing the text descriptions for the items to be loaded into the combo box (type defined by data structure). Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list (the list is empty until you select a data structure).

Filter Column

Input, optional. The cache column containing the values against which to filter items to be loaded into the combo box (type defined by data structure). The data type must match that of the Key Column parameter. Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list (the list is empty until you select a data structure).

Filter Value

Input, optional. A value used by runtime to compare against values specified in the Filter Column parameter (string or numeric). The data type must match that of the Filter Column parameter itself. After it retrieves all of the cache records, runtime loads a key/description pair into the combo box only if its Filter Value matches the Filter Column value for that record. Otherwise the retrieved record is ignored and runtime proceeds to process the next retrieved record. Set the parameter to <N/A> or an applicable object from the object list.

Additional Notes

The Load From Cache mechanism always retrieves all of the records currently loaded in the cache from the enterprise server to the Web server when the call is made regardless of whether the optional Filter Column and Filter Value parameters are specified. If you include several combo boxes on a form, you might decide to create a single data structure that loads the cache for all of them. However, you must use discretion in balancing how many records are loaded simultaneously in the cache versus the performance penalties that might result when loading a single combo box with a relatively small subset of the cache.