Parent Child Control Events

These events can fire on the parent child control during runtime:

  • Delete Grid Rec Verify - Before

  • Delete Grid Rec Verify - After

  • Delete Grid Rec from DB-Before

  • Delete Grid Rec from DB-After

  • Double Click on Row Header

  • Set Focus on Grid

  • Kill Focus on Grid

  • Row is Entered

  • Get Custom Tree Node

  • Tree Node Bitmap is Clicked

  • Node Outdent Verify Before

  • Tree Node is Outdented

  • Node Indent Verify Before

  • Tree Node is Indented

  • Node Move Down Verify Before

  • Node is Moved Down

  • Node Move Up Verify Before

  • Node is Moved Up

  • Tree-Node Level Changed

  • Tree - Begin Drag/Drop/Copy

  • Tree - Drag Over Node

  • Tree - Cancel Drag Drop/Paste

  • Tree - End Drag Drop/Paste

  • Kill Focus on Control

  • Set Focus on Control

  • Tree Node Is Collapsing

  • Tree Node Is Expanding

  • Tree Node Selection Change

  • Tree Node Is Deleted

  • Row is Exited

Many of these events are unique to parent child controls and can be categorized for discussion:

  • Selecting tree nodes.

  • Performing drag-and-drop or copy/cut/paste.

  • Expanding and collapsing nodes.

  • Clicking bitmaps.