Power Edit Forms

Power forms are Web-only application forms that, through the use of the subform control, enable users to view multiple, interrelated views of data, grids, and tab pages on one form and to pass logic between them. The tab pages can have their own business views (BVs), and these BVs can communicate with each other and can update based on data selection and changes that occur in other BVs on the form. In this way, you can simplify navigation tasks for users.

Power forms have these general properties:

  • All regular controls except a parent child control can be placed on a power form.

  • Multiple tab controls are permitted.

  • The maximize grid feature is supported for all grids.

  • All power form (and subform) errors and warnings are shown from the error button on the power form.

  • Power forms contain vertical and horizontal scroll bars.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne offers two types of power forms: browse and edit. A power edit form with a grid enables users to update and enter multiple records simultaneously. Similar to a headerless detail form, a power edit form has only one BV.