Set Grid Cell Icon

Use this system function to set the icon and the icon-specific tooltip text to display in the calling grid cell. This system function only processes when called from the Grid Cell Display Changed event of a grid column. The grid cell location information is calculated by runtime from the context of the event in which the function was called, and is therefore not explicitly defined in this function. This function has no effect when invoked from any other event, and is only available when defining a NER.

To ensure that translations are in effect for icon-specific tooltip text, you should use either the Define Message special value to implement text substitution on DD glossary text, or UDC text with locally-defined variables.


Image File

Input, required. The name of the reference image to be rendered in the calling grid cell. Set the parameter to None, or use the Image Picker to see and select the available icon reference images in the current H4A (or WLSH4A) installation.

Icon Tooltip

Input, required. The tooltip text associated with selection of this icon. Set the parameter to an applicable object (such as a NER variable), to None, or Define Message using the template Text Substitution mechanism.