Set Node Bitmap

Use this system function to set a bitmap for a particular node, no matter its state.


Tree Control

Input, required. The tree control FC to affect.


Input, required. The node for which to set the bitmap. Set the parameter to: <Currently Selected Node>, <Last Inserted Node>, or <Currently Expanding/Collapsing Node>.


Input, required. The bitmap to display for the node. Set the parameter to a particular bitmap (double-click <Choose Tree Bitmap> to browse for one) or the standard bitmap (<Default>).

Additional Notes

After the bitmap for a tree node is set using this system function, the default scheme changes for that node. The system does not apply the expanded and collapsed bitmaps to the node.

The bitmaps must be of size 16 x 16 and should reside in the treebmps subdirectory of the resource directory (for example: d:\b7\appl_pgf\res\treebmps). If a bitmap fails to load, the application uses the corresponding standard bitmap. The ideal place for using this system function is on the event Dialog Is Initialized.