Showing Multiple Currencies per Column

When a column has the Support Multiple Currencies option enabled, the runtime engine assumes that each cell contains its own currency setting, and it formats each cell based on that cell's currency decimal setting. The runtime engine will not apply the currency settings to other grid rows, however. Therefore, the application needs to apply currency to each grid row individually. For example, the Amount column in row 1 might have a JPY currency type and be formatted with no decimals, while the Amount column in row 2 might have a USD currency type and be formatted with two decimals.

When a column has the Support Multiple Currencies option disabled, the runtime engine assumes that all of the cells in that column share the same currency setting, and so it applies that currency setting to other grid rows. Therefore, if you specify the currency setting in one row, the system overwrites the currency setting for all the other rows in the grid to match. This feature offers a performance benefit for those grids that contain only one currency because the application needs to specify a currency setting to one grid row only to affect the entire grid.

These currency rules apply:

  • When assigning values using conventions such as target = source, if the source object does not have any currency information (currency code = null or empty string), then the target object keeps its own currency.

  • When a GB object is cleared, the currency code and currency decimal information for that column is not cleared.