System Functions

This appendix discusses most of the system functions that you can access through Form Design Aid (FDA).

You access and apply most system functions through Form Design Aid (FDA). System functions are visually grouped into folders based on function or control type. This appendix mirrors that system function folder organization; however, it does not describe the system functions that are detailed in a chapter devoted to a particular control type. Furthermore, some system functions are described in other locations entirely.

  • Do not use the system functions in the Deprecated or Obsolete folders.

  • The following System Functions in Mail Merge & Doc Gen has been deprecated from tools release onwards.

    • Delete Document

    • Display Document

    • Download Template

    • Download Template for Doc Gen

    • Get XML Data Model

    • Run Doc Gen and Display

    • Run Mail Merge and Display

    • Run Multiple Mail Merge

    • Upload Template

    • Upload Template for Doc Gen