Understanding Subform Events

These events can fire on the subform during runtime:

  • Notified by Child

  • Notified by Parent

  • Enter Focus

  • Leave Focus

  • Tab Page is Initialized

  • Tab Page is Selected

  • Row Is Selected

  • Grid Record is Fetched

  • Write Grid Line-Before

  • Write Grid Line-After

  • Row Is Unselected

  • Last Grid Record Has Been Read

  • Add Record to DB - Before

  • Add Record to DB - After

  • Update Record to DB - Before

  • Update Record to DB - After

  • Post Commit

Notified by Child and Notified by Parent fire when the child sends data to the parent and vice versa, respectively. Use the Notified by Parent event to run any business logic that you want the application to execute after the parent of the subform calls the Notify Child system function. This logic is usually based on the information passed to this subform from its parent. Use the Notified by Child event to run any business logic that you want the application to execute after its child calls the Notify Parent system function. This logic is usually based on the information returned from its child. Enter Focus enables you to run ER when the user sets the focus to a subform by entering that subform with a tab or a mouse click. You can useLeave Focus to run ER when the user sets the focus outside of a subform by leaving that subform with a tab or a mouse click.

In addition, a number of events that start with WIZARD can fire on this control as well, but only when on a wizard form.